Love these book recommendations! January is the perfect time for more joy, and for stretching across the whole year for that matter! 💛

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Thank you so much, Kate! Reading has brought a lot of joy this month. I got back into it last year, and making time for it has been a really good way to switch off! What are you reading currently? Those joyful moments have got me through the long month, but I'm glad we're nearly through 😂

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I would add to what Tom said and say you can’t do it all. We have (and take on) impossible expectations that we ‘should’ be able to do it all and it’s just not doable. In one way that can feel deflating, like we’ve failed. But we haven’t really because how can you fail at something that’s impossible to complete?! There’s a freedom in recognising you can’t get it all done so focusing on what’s urgent or important or interesting or joyful... and letting the rest wait x

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Thank you for this brilliant reminder, Gabrielle - I absolutely agree. Those 'shoulds' have a lot to answer for really! I have always added a ridiculous number of things to do to my day, and although I'm getting better at spotting that and trying not to, I do have days where I set myself a ridiculous number of goals. I need to use that phrase 'let the rest wait' a bit more! x

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Jan 27Liked by Clare Albans

I LOVE the embroidery kit photo. Thank you for the tag and the book credit. (sorry for delay - slowly rebounding from a bad case of flu)

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Thanks Lucy! Oh goodness, please don't apologise - I hope you're feeling loads better now? Thanks for the tip, it's such a refreshing read. The way she writes actually reminds me of you too, it's clear and helpful and tells you everything you need to know!

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Happy Birthday for last week 🥳 so many lovely things in this newsletter!!! I can very much relate to that feeling of "How can I get it all done?" and I love the reminder from your husband that if there's too much to do, we don't actually have to do it all! I'm also trying to take things slower this year and create more space for joy - because I do actually enjoy probably 90% if not more of my work, but the pressure & stress of having more to do than I have time for can cloud it or even eclipse it sometimes!

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Thank you Helen, and I'm sorry for my slow reply! It's so hard not to put pressure on ourselves to do everything isn't it? I'm so glad that you're creating more space for joy this year ✨ If we're not rested or feeling stressed with trying to fit too much in then we won't work well anyway! What are you working on at the moment?

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My biggest focus this year is evolving my current collections into quilt worthy fabric collections - it's off to a slower start than I would've hoped, but I just keep reminding myself that every little bit I do is a step towards what I want to create, and if I keep going it will get there in the end!

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I've just bought the More Sales Please book, after seeing it recommended in a few different places - so far I'm really enjoying it. I like her refreshing, no-nonsense approach.

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Oh that's great Louise, I hope you enjoy it. Have a pencil at the ready as I'm sure you'll want to underline loads of things as you go! I love it's no nonsense approach. If you enjoy Sara's book then I'd also check out Lucy's Substack too if you don't already follow her - her approach to PR is really refreshing!

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That cushion!!! 💖

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Oh thanks, Claire! 🩷 I love working with them, they give me really good briefs which challenge me to use materials differently and it’s awesome. The braid is amazing 😍

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Your embroidery is amazing. Glad to see more writers sharing the message of protecting joy :)

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